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Where we are located

When talking about our Clinic, we have to talk about Rionegro and Oriente Antioqueño, a beautiful region that has seen us grow and that has inspired us to improve every day.

The Somer Clinic is located exactly in Rionegro, Antioquia municipality, which has become the main town in the Eastern Antioquia subregion, thanks to its innovation, development and opening to hundreds of national and international companies, which have positioned it as a hub city for growth and development.

Rionegro has more than 120,000 inhabitants and houses people from other municipalities in the region every day, who find in this city specialized clinics, big-name universities, shopping centers and excellent job opportunities.

Undoubtedly, one of our added values ​​is the proximity to the José María Córdova International Airport, located only 15 minutes from our Clinic and which is classified as the most important airport in Antioquia and the 2nd nationally.

A green environment and a temperate climate are one of the main attractions of Rionegro and Oriente Antioqueño, where you can also find the following tourist places:

Guatapé y la Piedra del Peñol: Está ubicado a una hora de nuestra Clínica y es uno de los destinos turísticos más importantes del Oriente Antioqueño. Este está conformado por un enorme embalse, en donde puedes practicar deportes acuáticos o simplemente disfrutar de un espectacular paisaje. Junto al embalse podrán visualizar la Piedra del Peñol, que además podrás visitar.

Peoples of the East: The sub-region has beautiful towns to visit, characterized by tranquility, colonial infrastructure, gastronomy and the warmth of its people. Some of the towns you can visit are: El Carmen de Viboral, La Ceja, El Retiro, La Unión, Marinilla, El Santuario, Guarne, among others.

Natural parks: And since the green environment is one of the main attractions of the subregion, the East has to offer you a great diversity of natural parks, some of them are: The Tenquendamita waterfall, where you can enjoy a beautiful waterfall , while you delight yourself with typical dishes of the region; Los Saltos Ecopark in La Ceja, where you will see not only one waterfall but several that together with the green of the East, will offer you a view that is difficult to forget; Los Salados Park in El Retiro, which offers you a natural environment to share with your family, and many others that you can enjoy on your visit to Colombia.

In Eastern Antioquia, you will find a great diversity of places to visit, where gastronomy occupies a special place. You can check more about this region at: